Saturday 25 July 2015

15 Health Tips For The Rainy Season

Every rainy season always brings a lot of health problems. Use these tips to protect you and your family so that you can all stay healthy and happy during the rainy season.

Keep your body warm as viruses attack immediately when body temperature goes down.

Always carry something to protect yourself from the downpour. A raincoat or an umbrella will do.

Don't let germs spread. Keep your immediate surroundings dry and clean, neat and tidy.

Do not enter an air-conditioned room with wet hair and wet clothes.

Remove wet shoes. Dry your feet with a soft dry cloth whenever they are wet.

Remember that mosquitoes breed more in the rainy season with all the pools of stagnant water. Use mosquito nets or anti-mosquito skin creams.

Keep antiseptic liquids like Dettol or Savlon handy and use for washing off mud or dirt that usually gets splashed around.

Practice frequent hand-washing with soap and water. Rub and scrub, then rinse off germs and bacteria and make sure to dry your hands well.

Do not just wash your hands but also your feet to avoid itching, rashes and skin infections. Remember to clean under your fingernails and toenails too.

If you are suffering from asthma or diabetes, avoid staying anywhere with wet walls. Dampness promotes the growth of fungus and can be especially harmful.

You can pick up germs more easily in crowded public places, like tro-tros. Keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer in your pocket or purse.

Drink Vitamin C to boost your immune system so you can fight off colds and flu.

Children spread germs and bacteria more quickly than adults, so teach your kids to wash their hands.

Sometimes malaria symptoms can seem like you have a cold or flu. Get a test at a medical lab to diagnose your illness properly.

Remember to see your doctor immediately when you are not well.

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